Membership Sites
A membership site is a website where people can sign up and pay a fee to access exclusive content, services, or benefits that aren't available to the general public. Think of it like joining a club where you get special perks because you're a member. This model provides you with recurring income and clients with access to quality content they wouldn't normally access.
Here’s how it works :
- You add a membership facility to your existing website or build it as a standalone. Within that site you provide your clients with workbooks, videos, articles... whatever it is that will work for your industry.
- Client's sign up and pay a monthly recurring fee to access the information.
- Each month you release a new piece or pieces of content/resources to keep them wanting to come back.
- Exclusive Benefits: Members might get extra benefits like discounts on products, personalised support, or early access to new content.
- An affiliate program can be added so that your members become your sales team and you share a commission with them for sharing about your business.

There really isn't a business that can't benefit from a membership site because ultimately it comes down to providing your clients with valuable information and content that they are asking for. It allows you to streamline what you do, reach more people with information you would normally have to repeat time and time again and earn a recurring income from clients who already love what you do. Whether you are a therapist, accountant, hairdresser, or blogger, you can increase your bottom line by adding a learning (membership site) facility to your website.